Zertifizierung, Eier aus Boden-, Freiland- und Bio-Haltung, KAT, EEC

Certificates of origin
systems for range eggs, free-range and organic husbandry

Association for Controlled Alternative Animal Husbandry. To provide consumers with the highest level of safety in terms of the quality and origin of the eggs offered in the German food trade, the KAT has a cross-national monitoring system established, which imposes strict requirements on the conditions for laying hens and the quality assurance of products.

The inspection includes the examination and monitoring of regulatory compliance as well as the broader requirements of KAT for keeping laying hens in which animal welfare relevant parameters are integrated. Furthermore, the seamless flow of goods control is carried from farm to market. In the inspection system of KAT all compound feed manufacturers are included.

Since October 2006, the European Egg Consortium GmbH (EEC) allows us to certify the traceability according to the control concepts of KAT.

Do you want to be KAT member? Please contact the KAT office in Bonn.